Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Results and discussion

Had a meeting with Jing talking about the paper writing. What has been bothering me recently during the paper writing is the separation of the result section and the discussion section. When I was working on the result section. I found myself easily drifting into the discussion of the results. The boundary between these two seems rather vague in my eyes. Among the papers I read, around half have separated results and discussion section while the rest half combined these two sections together, representing and discussing the results in one single section. The authors' decisions look quite arbitrary and I failed to find a logical explanation when it comes to the result and discussion separation.
Jing's opinion on this issue is surprisingly simple and straight-forward. This is what he said about it:'If your results are relatively independent by themselves, you can present the results followed by in depth discussion of the results. However, if your discussion is based on several results, and you cannot draw out the discussion without first presenting all the results. You'd better separate the results  and discussion section'
Aha, it's indeed very simple and quite reasonable!

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