Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Results and discussion

Had a meeting with Jing talking about the paper writing. What has been bothering me recently during the paper writing is the separation of the result section and the discussion section. When I was working on the result section. I found myself easily drifting into the discussion of the results. The boundary between these two seems rather vague in my eyes. Among the papers I read, around half have separated results and discussion section while the rest half combined these two sections together, representing and discussing the results in one single section. The authors' decisions look quite arbitrary and I failed to find a logical explanation when it comes to the result and discussion separation.
Jing's opinion on this issue is surprisingly simple and straight-forward. This is what he said about it:'If your results are relatively independent by themselves, you can present the results followed by in depth discussion of the results. However, if your discussion is based on several results, and you cannot draw out the discussion without first presenting all the results. You'd better separate the results  and discussion section'
Aha, it's indeed very simple and quite reasonable!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Research Spirit

So the question arises when I talked to Remy about the leaf temperature problem I ran into in my project: what is the right altitude when encounters the 'more models, more uncertainty' problem. In my case, I used air temperature in the photosynthesis calculation instead of leaf temperature to simplify the calculation. My justification for this simplification lies on two aspects. First, the final product I am seeking is the Vcmax25, which doesn't get affected much by small differences (+ - 2) between Tl and Ta; second, I thought the calculation of leaf temperature may require introducing a big ass ET model into my existing code, which, I feel very reluctant to do.

After hearing out my problem, Remy's suggestion was to go with the ET model option. According to Remy, since using Ta instead of Tl will no doubt attracts questions from the reviewers, it is much better to solve the Tl problem even it means dealing with the complicated ET model. Then I threw out the classic 'more models, more uncertainty' puzzle, and Remy's explanation really struck me: 'it doesn't matter how accurate the model is, what matters most is the overall frame. You don't have to do everything perfectly yourself. Once you set up the main frame, it opens the opportunity for others to improve it'. Bingo! That was so straight to the point! I even felt bad for myself since I never thought like this. I think my laziness and bad habit of procrastination really get in the way of my research to the point whenever I encounter a problem, I always try to make it go away instead of sitting down study it and eventually solve it.

Later on that day, I went back to my office and pulled out the energy balance equation and suddenly I realized the only unknown in the equation is Tl, other parameters can either be calculated or assigned based on different PFTs. I had quite mixed feeling of this realization. I felt happy indeed since the problem that has been hanging in my mind for so long was finally solved, but at the same time, I can't stop wandering that if I spent some more time to strengthen the basics, this should never have been a problem.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008



Tuesday, January 08, 2008



Tuesday, October 09, 2007



Monday, May 07, 2007



Monday, March 12, 2007

